Making room for Mental Health on the Neonatal Unit

The birth of a baby is often celebrated as a joyous occasion, but when your little one is born sick or premature and placed in neonatal care, the experience can be rather different. There’s no triumphant homecoming. No “Welcome New Baby” balloons. No fussing aunts cooing over the newborn. Instead there are tubes, wires andContinue reading “Making room for Mental Health on the Neonatal Unit”

Medicalising motherhood

“I sighed deeply, exhausted and defeated by the realisation that feeding my child, the most primal and natural role that a mother can try to fulfil for her baby, would, of course, be yet another clinical event.” Excerpt from my upcoming memoir.

How can having a baby in neonatal care affect your mental health?

Families with babies in neonatal care can struggle with their mental health. Parents with a premature baby are 50% more likely to experience psychological distress compared with parents who do not spend time on a neonatal unit.

Ugly thoughts

Why do we hide our jealousy away? Why do we pretend we’re happy about other people’s successes or situations when we’re not? Why do we keep the ugly thoughts to ourselves? I guess because we’re ashamed. Because we’re not meant to feel jealous…