Fighting the stigma of perinatal mental health

I wanted to share this great article from Bromley, Lewisham, Greenwich Mind, an organisation who’s there for anyone struggling with their mental health. Project Worker, Laura Corrigan, shares her views about how my new book, Twenty-four Plus Six, has great potential to improve experiences for parents and families. In particular, she feels it will be helpful in fighting the stigma that still surrounds perinatal mental health.

Published by Amy Brett

My name is Amy and I live in London with my husband and our two little ones. Our second was born unexpectedly at 24 weeks on a family holiday. This blog is about those crazy things that life becomes filled with when you become a mum to a preemie. It's about what they mean to me, how I feel, what my short-term and long-term emotional responses are, and how I am changing as a result of all these new experiences. It's also about how many of those experiences are shared by other preemie parents, or parents whose children are sick.

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